- "Yes, my Lord," whispered Bellatrix, and her eyes swam with tears of gratitude again. "At the first chance! “是的,我的主人,”贝拉克里特斯轻声说,她的眼中再次充满了感激的泪花,“第一时间!
- Her eyes swam with tears. 她眼泪汪汪。
- Her eyes swim with tears. 她眼泪汪汪。
- She read to him much from "The Princess," and often he saw her eyes swimming with tears, so finely was her aesthetic nature strung. 他见她眼里常噙着泪珠,便懂得了那诗篇是如何美妙地拨动了她天性中的审美琴弦。
- “Yes, my Lord,” whispered Bellatrix, and her eyes swam with tears of gratitude again. “At the first chance!” “是的,我的主人,”贝拉克里特斯轻声说,她的眼中再次充满了感激的泪花,“第一时间!”
- Her eyes were swimming with tears. 她泪水盈眶。
- She read to him much from "The Princess," and often he saw her eyes swimming with tears, so finely was her aesthetic nature strung 他见她眼里常噙着泪珠,便懂得了那诗篇是如何美妙地拨动了她天性中的审美琴弦。
- Her eyes were clouded with tears. 泪水使她双眼变得模糊起来。
- Her eyes filmed over with tears. 她一双眼睛因泪水而模糊不清。
- "So long, my dear friends," said Maria with tears in her eyes. "再见,我亲爱的朋友们,"玛丽亚含著眼泪说。
- Her eyes are swimming with warm tears. 她的眼中满含热泪。
- Hearing his story, her eyes were washed with tears. 听了他的讲述,她双眼满含泪水。
- I could see that her eyes were laden with tears. 我可以看见她热泪盈眶。
- Her eyes were brimful with tears. 她热泪盈眶。
- Her eyes filled with tears of joy. 她的眼眶里饱含着幸福的热泪。
- Her eyes were bedimmed with tears. 泪水模糊了她的视线。
- Her eyes were filled with tears of joy. 她眼里饱含着幸福的泪水。
- Her eyes(were) misted over with tears. 她的眼睛给泪水蒙住了。
- Her eyes were swimming (with tears). 她泪眼汪汪.
- Her eyes suddenly filled with tears. 她的眼里突然噙满了泪水。